September 23, 2013

Hongkong - Day 3

Day 3 started with a rich breakfast. In the very best tradition of the New York trip I assembled a peanut butter-strawberry jelly-banana sandwich. One is perfectly enough to provide energy for a whole day of city walking. I had a Chinese puffy Pineapple Bun left over from yesterday which was also very yummy with this New Zealand butter I bought. So I was well prepared for the day.

The typhoon was already gone outside, there wasn't even any rain or wind. I haven't seen any damage besides some loose twigs and leaves on the sidewalks and just one tree which seemingly was broken down last night. Warning level was down to 3 and the public life was exactly like before.
Only the humidity was really extreme. It was like hot fog from a sauna. Like entering a laundry shop. Or like looking into a huge pot of boiling water.  

I took the ferry to TST and entered Harbour City. It's the largest mall of Hongkong with more than 800 shops and restaurant. And I bought: nothing. They actually already sell the winter collection here, one can buy plenty of thick jackets, boots and sweaters. Exactly what I don't need with 30+ degrees and a humidity of about 100%.
However, the mall is worth a visit anyway...and I might have even missed the right shops, it's several kilometers long and sort of confusing. Lots of good restaurants here as well.

Then back to Wan Chai by ferry, onto the next mall: Times Square. This is my neighborhood, as crowded as every day.  

I came across the second apple store, right in my Percival Street. It looked exactly as the other, though. 

Then there was the Times Square mall. Somewhere I read that they celebrate New Year here the same as in New York, with the drop of a ball.

However, the mall was impressive again, 230+ shops on many floors this time. Bought nothing, though. I found out that my sizes are not the regular Asian stock size, so even the things I liked weren't available in jeans length >32 or shoe size >EUR46. 

To recover from shopping exhaustion I went for a run in Victoria Park. Was quite nice, like putting a treadmill into a sauna, I lost about 10 liters of liquid :-) I guess I'm out of shape, but the first step is made.